Sunday, February 13, 2011

Starting out

This is my first attempt at a "BLOG"

I've never really been one to share every aspect of my life, but I figure it'll be fun. Maybe even help me get a little off my chest as well as let people out there know what/how i feel about certain aspects and issues that i cant really discuss on Twitter.

The reason I've even decided to blog today is because I received the most inspiring/motivational e-mail on Saturday which i really wanted to share... I will keep the sender anonymous for obvious reasons:

Dear Pig Spotter Cliff

I have been wanting to write for a while now – I guess I have procrastinated, being human, putting off the important for the urgent; a horrible habit we earthlings have.

In a nutshell I want to thank you for all you do in your quest to stop corruption and be the ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ out there for the Gautengies! Without boring you and very briefly I want to tell you my story as it will help you to realize exactly what impact you have had in Johannesburg and the surrounding areas.

12 years ago, whilst stilling living in KwaZulu Natal, I was hijacked. Unfortunately not just my car was taken. I was taken too. I was forced to drive at gun point from one town to another and then half way, stripped, beaten and brutally raped. By the time I managed to escape, I was not only a physical wreck but severely emotionally damaged and traumatized. It has taken a long time for me to get over this. 10 years of my life, wasted on therapy, trust issues, fear, nightmares, paranoia and an intense darkness and overwhelming ‘aloneness’. 18 months ago we moved to Johannesburg and knowing it to be crime riddled, old fears started emerging and I had to quickly deal with them before I spiralled down again. One of the anger issues I had to deal with is how men, the physically stronger gender and the gender who is meant to be the protector, the provider, the stabilizer, could hurt me so much. I have had to deal with this anger so that I did not paint all men with the same brush.

Enough of that – what I wanted you to know is that it is extremely comforting to know that there are male  ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ out there doing exactly the protector thing! If I ever had to be faced with the same situation in Johannesburg and please God don’t allow that ever again, I would feel that somehow between my family, Pig Spotter and 702, I would be rescued (Don’t let me down hey!)
When I read your tweets “Hijacking in ....” or “look for this registration....” it makes me feel a little safer in this scary city.

I just wanted you to know that you are making a difference. Like the man on the seashore faced with all the washed up starfish – he started throwing them back and when asked “How can you make a difference with all of these thousands of thousands or starfish?” He was able to say, as he threw one more back into the sea “I made a difference to this one.”

You cannot save the world, or make a difference for everyone, but you have made a difference to this one.

Thank you.

The above e-mail motivates me far more than anything I have ever recieved and it is due to cases like this that i will strive to do my best despite any opposition I may encounter.

I've run out of time today, feel free to comment if you wish, I'd really like to hear your thoughts and opinions.

All the best, stay safe



Unknown said...

That is one of the most heart wrenching stories I have ever read! Keep up the good work Cliff!

Unknown said...

Your doing a good job...Thanx Cliff

Strategist said...

I don't have a story anywhere near as dramatic but in the last week I've been driving out of Ferndale and seen two JMPD sleeping in their car while their colleague mans a speed camera at the bottom of Hill. Every time I drive past I say to myself "Somebody should do something"...

In my head the argument is that as 1 tax payer supporting 4 non tax payers, I should be able to complain to somebody about the fact that my taxes are paying for 2 people to sleep and a car (which the JMPD has said they are short of) to be out of commission.

But then like most other South Africans I drive on, I whinge about the crime in my neighbourhood and feel like there is no way to put something back.

In some small way you empower people and I think you've given some voice to consumers who are tired of being bullied and sometimes I wish that instead of all this yapping on about "defeating the ends of justice" somebody would build on what you are doing as putting something back into the service delivery nightmare which is Johannesburg.

Keep it up

N.B. said...

She has in her own way said what we all feel today and everyday. thank goodness I have not had her experience, but I know that with you and all your "eye's and ears" out there we are a little safer. Keep up the good work.

Jerry Schultz said...

I think the blog is a great idea, and it is somewhere important issues can be shared and discussed without the constraints of only a few words in twitter, for instance. I will be an avid follower, as I am on twitter. For the lady that sent you the mail, there are still a quite a few gentlemen out there that will look after others.


Unknown said...

Truly Inspirational.Thanks once again Cliff and let me know how I can help.Xenia

Anonymous said...

What an awesome story! And proof that you in your role of watchdog and us as you loyal fans and "informants" can make our beautiful city an even more wonderful place to live!

Looking forward to the next blog posting

Anonymous said...

And this is just one example of how you have made a diference! There are plenty of others. Well done!

Anonymous said...

This warms my heart. Well done Cliff x

Anonymous said...

If the lady who wrote that letter is reading this - you are a VERY brave lady and you wrote so effectively, making me realise how easy I have had things. Cliff, you are not only her hero, you are OUR hero, Johannesburgs hero. We love you!

hforme said...

Wow, what can I possibly say to the lady? Sincerely hope that your life is a good one in every sense of the word. PigSpotter you have made a difference to so many people. Carrying out a thankless task. More power to your elbow my friend.

Seamus said...


Anonymous said...

Its like having "Big Brother" out there looking after you! Thanks for all you do

Anonymous said...

Cliff, in your next blog update, please tell us how you started doing the 'Pig Spotter' thing. Perhaps you have mentioned the details on twitter but I think many do not know.

Des said...

What a story. "Strongs" to the lady who shared her story with you. Makes us proud to be following our Pigspotter & wearing our T-shirts with pride. Your doing a great job Cliff-that's all. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

To this fragile lady - following @Pigspotter we are family - you are not alone. We are all here for you in this scary city. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall - all you have to do is call . ...(we good men will always do the 'protector' thing)
To Cliff - I recognise a special bond here between you and this lady, but she represents all the ladies in Gauteng. You, together with fragile lady, have motivated me to be more proactive in the Lead South Africa project and I will be more proactive in protecting the ladies in our city.
To both of you - thank you for the WAKE UP!!

Anonymous said...

I have absolute respect for the woman that wrote this! I sincerely wish her nothing but the best. Cliff, you do an amazing job, thank you from the bottom of my heart


Anonymous said...

Is this the chick who does motivational talks? I have heard her speak and her message is awesome!
